Doris Humphrey dancing

“Since my dance is concerned with immediate human values, my basic technique lies in the natural movements of the human body.”

Doris Humphrey

Mission Statement

The Doris Humphrey Foundation for Dance, established in 2008, exists to foster, maintain, and promote Doris Humphrey’s artistic legacy as one of the pioneers of American Modern Dance. Through performance, recreation, preservation, and education the Foundation aims to extend the vitality of her technique and work, and to serve as a center of communication for all Humphrey related inquiries. The learning institute offers educational opportunities based on Humphrey’s philosophy, aesthetic, movement theories, technique, repertory, and pedagogical approach.

News and Contributors

    • The One and Only Charles

      The One and Only Charles

      By Ernestine Stodelle, from ART TIMES, Jan/Feb 1998. “Throughout his life, Charles Weidman remained the visionary art­ist who would send out messages to the world around him, calling atten­tion to the evils as well as the beauties of reality.”

Get in Touch

If you would like to learn more about our programs, educational resources, and archival materials for research, please contact us.